Source code for omnipath._core.requests._annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, Union, Mapping, Iterable, Optional
import logging

import pandas as pd

from omnipath._misc import dtypes
from omnipath._core.query import QueryType
from omnipath._core.utils._docs import d
from omnipath._core.requests._request import OmnipathRequestABC
from omnipath.constants._pkg_constants import Key, final

_MAX_N_PROTS = 600

[docs]@final class Annotations(OmnipathRequestABC): """Request annotations from [OmniPath]_.""" __string__ = frozenset({"source", "value"}) __categorical__ = frozenset({"entity_type", "label", "source"}) _query_type = QueryType.ANNOTATIONS def _modify_params(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: params.pop(Key.ORGANISM.value, None) return params
[docs] @classmethod @d.dedent def params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """%(query_params)s""" params = super().params() params.pop(Key.ORGANISM.value, None) return params
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls, proteins: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, resources: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, force_full_download: bool = False, wide: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Import annotations from [OmniPath]_. Retrieves protein annotations about function, localization, expression, structure and other properties of proteins from `OmniPath <>`__. Parameters ---------- proteins Genes or proteins for which annotations will be retrieved (UniProt IDs, HGNC Gene Symbols or miRBase IDs). In order to download annotations for proteins complexes, write **'COMPLEX:'** before the gene symbols of the genes integrating the complex. If `None`, fetch annotations for all available genes or proteins. resources Load the annotations only from these databases. See :meth:`resources` for available options. If `None`, use all available resources. force_full_download Force the download of the entire annotations dataset. The full size of the data is ~1GB. We recommend to retrieve the annotations for a set of proteins or only from a few resources, depending on your interest. wide Pivot the annotations from a long to a wide dataframe format, reconstituting the format of the original resource. kwargs Additional query parameters. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A dataframe containing different molecule (protein, complex, gene, miRNA, small molecule) annotations. If `wide` is `True` and the result contains more than one resource, a `dict` of dataframes will be returned, one for each resource. Notes ----- There might be also a few miRNAs and small molecules annotated. A vast majority of protein complex annotations are inferred from the annotations of the members: if all members carry the same annotation the complex inherits. """ if proteins is None and resources is None and not force_full_download: raise ValueError( "Please specify `force_full_download=True` in order to download the full dataset." ) res_info = ( "all resources" if resources is None else f"the following resources: `{[resources] if isinstance(resources, str) else sorted(set(resources))}`" ) inst = cls() inst._wide = wide if proteins is not None: if isinstance(proteins, str): proteins = (proteins,) proteins = sorted(set(proteins)) f"Downloading annotations for `{len(proteins)}` in `{_MAX_N_PROTS}` chunks from {res_info}" ) return pd.concat( [ inst._get( proteins=proteins[i * _MAX_N_PROTS : (i + 1) * _MAX_N_PROTS], resources=resources, **kwargs, ) for i in range((len(proteins) // _MAX_N_PROTS) + 1) if len(proteins[i * _MAX_N_PROTS : (i + 1) * _MAX_N_PROTS]) ] )"Downloading annotations for all proteins from {res_info}") return inst._get(proteins=None, resources=resources, **kwargs)
def _resource_filter(self, data: Mapping[str, Any], **_) -> bool: return True def _post_process(self, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: if self._wide: df = self.pivot_annotations(df) return df
[docs] @classmethod def pivot_annotations( cls, df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Annotations from narrow to wide format Converts the annotations from a long to a wide dataframe format, reconstituting the format of the original resource. Parameters ---------- df An annotation dataframe. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or `dict` A dataframe of various molecule (protein, complex, gene, miRNA, small molecule) annotations. If the data contains more than one resource, a `dict` of dataframes will be returned, one for each resource. """ if df.source.nunique() > 1: return { resource: cls.pivot_annotations(df[df.source == resource]) for resource in df.source.unique() } index_cols = ["record_id", "uniprot", "genesymbol", "label"] if "entity_type" in df.label.values: df = df.drop("entity_type", axis=1) else: index_cols.append("entity_type") return dtypes.auto_dtype( df.drop("source", axis=1) .set_index(index_cols) .unstack("label") .droplevel(axis=1, level=0) .reset_index() .drop("record_id", axis=1) )
__all__ = [Annotations]