Source code for omnipath._core.requests._request

from io import BytesIO
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import (
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import wraps, partial
import logging

from pandas.api.types import is_float_dtype, is_numeric_dtype
import pandas as pd

from omnipath import options
from omnipath.constants import License, Organism
from omnipath._core.query import QueryType
from omnipath._core.utils._docs import d
from omnipath._core.requests._utils import (
from omnipath.constants._pkg_constants import DEFAULT_FIELD, Key, Format, final
from omnipath._core.downloader._downloader import Downloader

def _error_handler(callback: Callable[[BytesIO], Any]) -> Callable:
    def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        res: pd.DataFrame = callback(*args, **kwargs)
        if len(res.columns) == 1 and res.columns == ["Something is not entirely good:"]:
            raise RuntimeError(" ".join(res.iloc[:, 0]))

        return res

    return wrapper

class OmnipathRequestMeta(ABCMeta):  # noqa: D101
    def __new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict):  # noqa: D102
        for supercls in superclasses:
            for attr in ("__string__", "__logical__", "__categorical__"):
                attributedict[attr] = attributedict.get(attr, frozenset()) | getattr(
                    supercls, attr, frozenset()

        clazz = super().__new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict)

        return clazz

class OmnipathRequestABC(ABC, metaclass=OmnipathRequestMeta):
    """Base class for all :mod:`omnipath` requests."""

    __string__ = frozenset({"uniprot", "genesymbol"})
    __logical__ = frozenset()
    __categorical__ = frozenset()

    _json_reader = _error_handler(partial(pd.read_json, typ="frame"))
    _tsv_reader = _error_handler(
        partial(pd.read_csv, sep="\t", header=0, low_memory=False)
    _query_type: Optional[QueryType] = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._downloader = Downloader(options)

    def resources(cls, **kwargs) -> Tuple[str]:
        return cls()._resources(**kwargs)

    def params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {q.param: q.valid for q in cls._query_type.value}

    def _annotations(cls) -> Dict[str, type]:
        """Return the type annotation for the query parameters."""
        return {q.param: q.annotation for q in cls._query_type.value}

    def _docs(cls) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
        """Return the type annotation for the query parameters."""
        return {q.param: q.doc for q in cls._query_type.value}

    def _get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        self._last_param = {}
        self._last_param["original"] = kwargs.copy()
        kwargs = self._modify_params(kwargs)
        kwargs = self._inject_fields(kwargs)
        kwargs, callback = self._convert_params(kwargs)
        kwargs = self._validate_params(kwargs)
        kwargs = self._finalize_params(kwargs)
        self._last_param["final"] = kwargs.copy()

        res = self._downloader.maybe_download(
            self._query_type.endpoint, params=kwargs, callback=callback, is_final=False

        if self._downloader._options.convert_dtypes:
            res = self._convert_dtypes(res)

        res = self._post_process(res)
        self._last_param = {}

        return res

    def _convert_params(
        self, params: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Callable]:
        organism = params.pop("organism", params.pop("organisms", None))
        if organism is not None:
            organism = Organism(organism)
                params[self._query_type("organism").param] = organism.code
            except ValueError:

        # check the requested format
        fmt = params.pop("format", params.pop("formats", None))
        fmt = Format(Format.TSV if fmt is None else fmt)
        if fmt not in (Format.TSV, Format.JSON):
                f"Invalid `{Key.FORMAT.s}={fmt.s!r}`. Using `{Key.FORMAT.s}={Format.TSV.s!r}`"
            fmt = Format.TSV
        callback = self._tsv_reader if fmt == Format.TSV else self._json_reader
            params[self._query_type("format").param] = fmt.s
        except ValueError:

        # check the license
        license = params.pop(
            "license", params.pop("licenses", self._downloader._options.license)
        if license is not None:
            license = License(license)
                params[self._query_type("license").param] = license
            except ValueError:

        if self._downloader._options.password is not None:
            params.setdefault(Key.PASSWORD.s, self._downloader._options.password)

        return params, callback

    def _inject_fields(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
            requested = params.get("fields", [])
            defaults = getattr(DEFAULT_FIELD,
            if self._get_strict_evidences(params) and "evidences" not in requested:
                defaults += ("evidences",)

            params.pop("strict_evidences", None)
        except AttributeError:
            # no default field for this query
        except Exception as e:
                f"Unable to inject `{Key.FIELDS.value}` for `{self}`. Reason: `{e}`"

        return params

    def _validate_params(
        self, params: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]]:
        """For each passed parameter, validate if it has the correct value."""
        res = {}
        for k, v in params.items():
            # first get the validator for the parameter, then validate
            res[self._query_type(k).param] = self._query_type(k)(v)
        return res

    def _finalize_params(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Convert all the parameters to strings."""
        # this is largely redundant
        res = {}
        for k, v in params.items():
            if isinstance(v, str):
                res[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, bool):
                res[k] = str(int(v))
            elif isinstance(v, (int, float)):
                res[k] = str(v)
            elif isinstance(v, Iterable):
                res[k] = ",".join(sorted(v))
            elif isinstance(v, Enum):
                res[k] = str(v.value)
            elif v is not None:
                logging.warning(f"Unable to process parameter `{k}={v}`. Ignoring")

        return dict(sorted(res.items(), key=itemgetter(0)))

    def _convert_dtypes(self, res: pd.DataFrame, **_) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Automatically convert dtypes for this type of query."""

        def to_logical(col: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
            if is_numeric_dtype(col):
                return col > 0
            return col.astype(str).str.lower().isin(("y", "t", "yes", "true", "1"))

        def handle_logical(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: frozenset) -> None:
            cols = list(frozenset(df.columns) & columns)
            if cols:
                df[cols] = df[cols].apply(to_logical)

        def handle_categorical(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: frozenset) -> None:
            cols = frozenset(df.columns) & columns
            cols = [
                for col, dtype in zip(cols, df[cols].dtypes)
                if not is_float_dtype(dtype)
            if cols:
                df[cols] = df[cols].astype("category")

        def handle_string(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: frozenset) -> None:
            for col in frozenset(df.columns) & columns:
                mask = pd.isnull(df[col])
                df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
                df.loc[mask, col] = None

        if not isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected the result to be of type `pandas.DataFrame`, found `{type(res).__name__}`."

        handle_logical(res, self.__logical__)
        handle_categorical(res, self.__categorical__)
        handle_string(res, self.__string__)

        return res

    def _resources(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[str]:
        Return available resources for this type of query.

            Keyword arguments used for filtering unwanted resources.

            Unique and sorted resources.
        return tuple(
                for res, params in self._downloader.resources.items()
                if self._query_type.endpoint in params.get(Key.QUERIES.s, {})
                and self._resource_filter(
                    params[Key.QUERIES.s][self._query_type.endpoint], **kwargs

    def _modify_params(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Remove parameters from this query.

            The parameters to filter.

            The filtered parameters.
        return params

    def _post_process(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Post process the result, e.g. by adding extra columns.

            The result from :meth:`get`.

            The maybe modified result.

    def _resource_filter(self, data: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs) -> bool:
        Filter out resources relevant to this query.

            Data which is used as a basis for the filtering.
            Additional keyword arguments.

            `True` if the resource should be included, otherwise `False`.

    def _get_strict_evidences(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        strict_evidences = params.get("strict_evidences", None)
        if strict_evidences is None:
            strict_evidences = getattr(cls, "_strict_evidences", False)
        return strict_evidences

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self)

class CommonPostProcessor(OmnipathRequestABC, ABC):
    Class that implements common post-processing steps for :class:`omnipath.requests.Enzsub`, \
    :class:`omnipath.requests.Intercell`, :class:`omnipath.requests.Complexes` and \

    This class remove `'genesymbols'` and `'organisms'` from the query parameters, as well as optionally adds
    number of resources and references to the result or removes the resource labels from references (PubMed IDs)
    :class:`omnipath.interactions.InteractionRequest` and :class:`omnipath.requests.Enzsub`.

    def _post_process(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Add number of resources and references for each row in the resulting ``df``.

            The dataframe containing results.

        The modified dataframe.
        _strip_resource_label_df(df, col="references")

        return df

class OrganismGenesymbolsRemover(CommonPostProcessor, ABC):
    """Class that removes organism and genesymbols keys from the query."""

    def _modify_params(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params.pop(Key.ORGANISM.s, None)
        params.pop(Key.GENESYMBOLS.s, None)

        return params

    def params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params = super().params()
        params.pop(Key.ORGANISM.s, None)
        params.pop(Key.GENESYMBOLS.s, None)

        return params

class GraphLike(ABC):
    Class that is able to construct a graph.

    Should be injected with any class with :meth:`get`.

    def _get_source_target_cols(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[str, str]:

    def graph(cls, data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs):
        Create a graph.

            The interaction data. If `None`, create a new request.
            Keyword arguments for :meth:`get` if ``data = None``.

            The interaction graph.
            import networkx as nx
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "Unable to import `networkx`. Please install it as `pip install networkx`."
            ) from None
        data = cls.get(**kwargs) if data is None else data

        if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected `data` to be of type `pandas.DataFrame`, found `{type(data).__name__}`."
        if data.empty:
            raise ValueError(_ERROR_EMPTY_FMT.format(obj="data"))

        source, target = cls._get_source_target_cols(data)
        G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(
            edge_attr=tuple(data.columns.difference([source, target])),

        for s, t, attr in G.edges(data=True):
            for col in ["references", "references_stripped", "sources"]:
                if col in data:
                    if ";" in str(attr[col]):
                        G.edges[s, t][col] = sorted(str(attr[col]).split(";"))

        return G

[docs]class Enzsub(CommonPostProcessor): """ Request enzyme-substrate relationships from [OmniPath]_. Imports the enzyme-substrate (more exactly, enzyme-PTM) relationships `database <>`__. """ __string__ = frozenset({"enzyme", "substrate"}) __categorical__ = frozenset({"residue_type", "modification"}) _query_type = QueryType.ENZSUB def _resource_filter(self, data: Mapping[str, Any], **_) -> bool: return True
[docs]@final class SignedPTMs(Enzsub, GraphLike): """ Request enzyme-substrate relationships and interactions from [OmniPath]_. PTM data does not contain sign (activation/inhibition), we generate this information based on the interaction network. """ @classmethod def _get_source_target_cols(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[str, str]: source = "enzyme_genesymbol" if "enzyme_genesymbol" in data else "enzyme" target = ( "substrate_genesymbol" if "substrate_genesymbol" in data else "substrate" ) return source, target
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls, ptms: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, interactions: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get signs for enzyme-PTM interactions. Parameters ---------- ptms Data generated by :meth:`omnipath.requests.Enzsub.get`. If `None`, a new request will be performed. interactions Data generated by :meth:`omnipath.interactions.OmniPath.get`. If `None`, a new request will be performed. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The signed PTMs with columns **'is_inhibition'** and **'is_stimulation'**. """ from omnipath.requests import Enzsub from omnipath.interactions import OmniPath ptms = Enzsub.get() if ptms is None else ptms interactions = OmniPath.get() if interactions is None else interactions if not isinstance(ptms, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( f"Expected `ptms` to be of type `pandas.DataFrame`, found `{type(ptms).__name__}`." ) if not isinstance(interactions, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( f"Expected `interactions` to be of type `pandas.DataFrame`, found `{type(ptms).__name__}`." ) if ptms.empty: raise ValueError(_ERROR_EMPTY_FMT.format(obj="PTMs")) if interactions.empty: raise ValueError(_ERROR_EMPTY_FMT.format(obj="interactions")) return pd.merge( ptms, interactions[["source", "target", "is_stimulation", "is_inhibition"]], left_on=["enzyme", "substrate"], right_on=["source", "target"], how="left", )
__all__ = [Enzsub, SignedPTMs]