Source code for omnipath._core.requests.interactions._interactions

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Set, Dict, Tuple, Union, Mapping, Iterable, Optional, Sequence

import pandas as pd

from omnipath.constants import InteractionDataset
from omnipath._core.query import QueryType
from omnipath._core.utils._docs import d
from omnipath._core.requests._utils import _inject_params
from omnipath._core.requests._request import GraphLike, CommonPostProcessor
from omnipath.constants._pkg_constants import Key, final
from omnipath._core.requests.interactions._json import _json_cols_hook
from omnipath._core.requests.interactions._evidences import only_from

Datasets_t = Union[str, InteractionDataset, Sequence[str], Sequence[InteractionDataset]]

def _to_dataset_set(
    datasets, name: str, none_value: Iterable[InteractionDataset]
) -> Set[InteractionDataset]:
    if isinstance(datasets, (str, InteractionDataset)):
        datasets = (datasets,)
    elif datasets is None:
        datasets = none_value

    if not isinstance(datasets, Iterable):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Expected `{name}` to be an `Iterable`, found `{type(datasets).__name__}`."

    return {InteractionDataset(d) for d in datasets}

class InteractionRequest(CommonPostProcessor, GraphLike, ABC):
    Base class for retrieving interactions from [OmniPath]_.

        Name of interaction datasets to download. If `None`, download all datasets, after removing the ones in
        ``exclude``. Can be one or more of the following:


        Interaction datasets to exclude. Only used when ``datasets = None``.

    __string__ = frozenset({"source", "target", "dip_url"})
    __logical__ = frozenset(

    _query_type = QueryType.INTERACTIONS

    def __init__(
        datasets: Optional[Datasets_t] = None,
        exclude: Optional[Datasets_t] = None,

        datasets = _to_dataset_set(datasets, "datasets", set(InteractionDataset))
        exclude = _to_dataset_set(exclude, "exclude", set())
        datasets = datasets - exclude

        if not len(datasets):
            raise ValueError(
                f"After excluding `{len(exclude)}` datasets, none were left."

        self._datasets = datasets

    def _modify_params(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params = super()._modify_params(params)
        params[self._query_type("datasets").param] = self._datasets
        return params

    def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params.pop(cls._query_type(Key.DATASETS.s).param, None)

        return params

    def params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params = super().params()
        return cls._filter_params(params)

    def _get_source_target_cols(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        source = "source_genesymbol" if "source_genesymbol" in data else "source"
        target = "target_genesymbol" if "target_genesymbol" in data else "target"

        return source, target

    def _resources(self, **_) -> Tuple[str]:
        return super()._resources(**{Key.DATASETS.s: self._datasets})

    def _resource_filter(
        data: Mapping[str, Any],
        datasets: Optional[Sequence[InteractionDataset]] = None,
    ) -> bool:
        res = datasets is None or (
            {InteractionDataset(d) for d in data.get(Key.DATASETS.s, {})}
            & {InteractionDataset(d) for d in datasets}

        return res

    def _post_process(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        df = super()._post_process(df)
        df = _json_cols_hook(df)

        original_param = self._last_param["original"]
        strict_evidences = self._get_strict_evidences(original_param)

        if strict_evidences:
            datasets = {ds.value for ds in self._datasets}
            resources = self._last_param["final"].get("resources", ())
            df = only_from(df, datasets=datasets, resources=resources)
            fields_requested = original_param.get("fields", ())
            if "evidences" not in fields_requested:
                df.drop(columns="evidences", inplace=True)

        return df

class CommonParamFilter(InteractionRequest, ABC):
    """Filter which tries to remove some common invalid parameters from many interaction queries."""

    def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params = super()._filter_params(params)

        for key in (
                # catch the ValueError if not a valid key anymore
            except (KeyError, ValueError):

        return params

[docs]@final class PathwayExtra(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `pathway extra` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains activity flow interactions without literature reference. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.PATHWAY_EXTRA)
[docs]@final class KinaseExtra(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `kinase extra` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains enzyme-substrate interactions without literature reference. The enzyme-substrate interactions supported by literature references are part of the :class:`omnipath.requests.AllInteractions`. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.KINASE_EXTRA)
[docs]@final class LigRecExtra(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `ligrec extra` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains ligand-receptor interactions without literature reference. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.LIGREC_EXTRA)
[docs]@final class Dorothea(InteractionRequest): """ Request interactions from the `dorothea` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains transcription factor (TF)-target interactions from `DoRothEA <>`__. """ _strict_evidences = True def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.DOROTHEA) @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super()._filter_params(params) params.pop(cls._query_type("tfregulons_levels").param, None) params.pop(cls._query_type("tfregulons_methods").param, None) return params
@final class CollecTRI(InteractionRequest): """ Request interactions from the `collectri` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains transcription factor (TF)-target interactions from `CollecTRI <>`__. """ _strict_evidences = True def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.COLLECTRI) @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super()._filter_params(params) return params
[docs]@final class TFtarget(InteractionRequest): """ Request interactions from the `TF-target` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains transcription factor-target protein coding gene interactions. Other TF-target datasets in :mod:`omnipath` are :class:`omnipath.interactions.Dorothea` and :class:`omnipath.interactions.TFmiRNA` which provides TF-miRNA gene interactions. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.TF_TARGET) @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super()._filter_params(params) params.pop(cls._query_type("dorothea_levels").param, None) params.pop(cls._query_type("dorothea_methods").param, None) return params
[docs]@final class Transcriptional(InteractionRequest): """ Request all `TF-target` interactions from [OmniPath]_. Imports the `dataset <,tf_target,collectri>`__ which contains transcription factor-target protein coding gene interactions. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( ( InteractionDataset.DOROTHEA, InteractionDataset.TF_TARGET, InteractionDataset.COLLECTRI, ) ) @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return super()._filter_params(params)
[docs]@final class miRNA(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `miRNA-target` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__. which contains miRNA-mRNA interactions. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.MIRNA_TARGET)
[docs]@final class TFmiRNA(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `TF-miRNA` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains transcription factor-miRNA gene interactions. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.TF_MIRNA)
[docs]@final class lncRNAmRNA(CommonParamFilter): """ Request interactions from the `lncRNA-mRNA` dataset. Imports the `dataset <>`__ which contains lncRNA-mRNA interactions. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.LNCRNA_MRNA)
[docs]@final class OmniPath(InteractionRequest): """ Request interactions from the `omnipath` dataset. Imports the `database <>`__, which contains only interactions supported by literature references. This part of the interaction database was compiled in a similar way as it has been presented in [OmniPath16]_. """ __string__ = frozenset({"source", "target", "dip_url"}) __logical__ = frozenset( { "is_directed", "is_stimulation", "is_inhibition", "consensus_direction", "consensus_stimulation", "consensus_inhibition", } ) def __init__(self): super().__init__(InteractionDataset.OMNIPATH) @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return super()._filter_params(params)
[docs]@d.get_sections(base="all_ints", sections=["Parameters"]) @d.dedent class AllInteractions(InteractionRequest): """ Request all [OmniPath]_ interaction datasets. The available interaction datasets are :class:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset`. Parameters ---------- include Interactions datasets to include from the [OmniPath]_ database. If `None`, include everything. exclude Interaction datasets to exclude from the [OmniPath]_ database. If `None`, don't exclude anything. """ def __init__( self, include: Optional[Datasets_t] = None, exclude: Optional[Datasets_t] = None, ): super().__init__(include, exclude=exclude) def _inject_fields(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = super()._inject_fields(params) _inject_params(params, key=self._query_type("fields").param, value="type") return params @classmethod def _filter_params(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return super()._filter_params(params)
[docs] @classmethod @d.dedent def get( cls, include: Optional[Datasets_t] = None, exclude: Optional[Datasets_t] = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ %(get.full_desc)s The available interaction datasets are :class:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset`. Parameters ---------- include Interactions datasets to include from the [OmniPath]_ database. If `None`, include everything. exclude Interaction datasets to exclude from the [OmniPath]_ database. If `None`, don't exclude anything. %(get.parameters)s Returns ------- %(get.returns)s """ return cls(include, exclude=exclude)._get(**kwargs)
# ideally docrep would be possible, but the metaclass is not perfect and gets rid of the info
[docs]@final class PostTranslational(AllInteractions): """ Request all post-translational interactions from [OmniPath]_ . Imports the `dataset <,pathwayextra,kinaseextra,ligrecextra>`__ which contains post-transcriptional (i.e. protein-protein) interactions. This query requests the interactions from the following datasets: - :attr:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset.OMNIPATH` - :attr:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset.PATHWAY_EXTRA` - :attr:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset.KINASE_EXTRA` - :attr:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset.LIGREC_EXTRA` Parameters ---------- exclude Post-translational interaction datasets to exclude. If `None`, don't exclude anything. """ def __init__(self, exclude: Optional[Datasets_t] = None): super().__init__( include=[ InteractionDataset.OMNIPATH, InteractionDataset.PATHWAY_EXTRA, InteractionDataset.KINASE_EXTRA, InteractionDataset.LIGREC_EXTRA, ], exclude=exclude, ) def _inject_fields(self, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # we don't need the type return super(InteractionRequest, self)._inject_fields(params)
[docs] @classmethod @d.dedent def get( cls, exclude: Optional[Datasets_t] = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ %(get.full_desc)s The available interaction datasets are :class:`omnipath.constants.InteractionDataset`. Parameters ---------- exclude Post-translational interaction datasets to exclude. If `None`, don't exclude anything. %(get.parameters)s Returns ------- %(get.returns)s """ return cls(exclude=exclude)._get(**kwargs)
__all__ = [ CollecTRI, Dorothea, OmniPath, TFtarget, KinaseExtra, LigRecExtra, PathwayExtra, AllInteractions, Transcriptional, TFmiRNA, miRNA, lncRNAmRNA, PostTranslational, ]